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Fresno Veterinary Specialty & Emergency Center

COVID-19 Policies

  1. One client per patient is allowed during examination. Two clients are allowed for End of Life Services.

  2. Face mask must be worn at all times. Clients unwilling to comply with our face mask policy will not be allowed in our hospital.

  3. All clients must sign our COVID-19 and Behavior Acknowledgement Agreement before seeing the veterinarian.

  4. All clients must hand sanitize prior to being roomed and must re-sanitize after re-entry.

Hand Sanitizing

You will receive an individual hand sanitizer after check-in. It is a requirement to use this while witnessed by our staff. Re-hand sanitization at a station is required upon re-entry. Below are instructions for use.

Appropriate Mask Wearing

All non-minor persons present in the building, employee or otherwise are required to PROPERLY wear a mask at all times. Those refusing to comply will be asked to leave. No exceptions.

What are we doing?

We take the health and safety of our clients and employees very seriously; therefore, we have made hospital policy changes to keep everyone as safe as possible. In addition to limiting the number of persons allowed in the building at a time, we also follow a regimented cleaning schedule and disinfect between clientele. Our hospital policies are subject to change based on local, state, and/or federal law.

What do we need from you?

We ask that everyone, employees included, put their personal beliefs and opinions regarding policies and laws regarding COVID-19 aside. While we understand this situation is disruptive and stressful, we ask that our staff be treated with respect. We have a zero tolerance for abuse to our staff.